There are several things I have had to rethink how I do them. Baxter's like his big sister in that when she was itty bitty, all she wanted was to be held and cuddled. Ava wouldn't fall asleep during the day unless we both laid on the couch and cuddled together. This posed a little problem because when I lay down with Baxter, Ava needs to be cuddled with too, and my couch is on the small side, but Ava has managed to find a little nook for herself in the crook of my knees. Another major snag is feeding time. Baxter hasn't gained weight, he's gained length, but not pounds and ounces. After his Doctor appointment, we were sent to see a lactation consultant. If after going through the whole pregnancy, labor and delivery thing, you still clung onto some modesty, you can pretty much kiss it goodbye when you see a lactation consultant. She said everything looked good, gave me some pointers and said she knew what the problem was: I was too busy. My hands are too full with chasing Ava around to take the time necessary for Baxter to get his two ounces each feeding in order for him to gain weight. I might have to trap Ava in her room behind the baby gate.
I think one of the last big changes I've had to make was in my cleaning and cooking schedule. I used to clean up the house while Ava slept, but now it seems like the best time to pick up is after dinner and make Aaron's lunch before I go to bed, instead of in the morning. There isn't really much for me to complain about, I think that if I didn't have the major headache I get postpartum which lasts for about 6 weeks straight, I could handle this new life with a touch more grace then I currently am. But, really, I love it. I love being a mom and my kids are so amazing!
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