Monday, June 30, 2008

I heard my baby's heartbeat today

Periodically during these first ten weeks, I would call my sister and ask: are you sure I am pregnant?
The thing was, I hardly had any symptoms at all. Just extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, a constant full bladder and hormone surges (my dear husband says they keep life interesting). Our first Doctors appointment was at ten fifteen, needless to say, I was up just before seven. On the way, I told my husband that I hoped we could hear the baby's heartbeat, just so I could be really sure that I was with child.
After the standard check in procedure, we were lead into our Doctors office. we had just seen him in early April, told him we wanted a family so he set us up with a plan of action. As we sat down in front of his desk, he promptly said, "That was fast" (we had a positive pregnancy test May eighteenth). At the end of my exam, he brought out the hand held machine that could pick up our baby's heart beat. He moved it around my belly for a while, I was holding my breath. I had a sinking feeling that we might not be blessed with the precious sound of a beating heart. Then it happened, it was a dull, faint rapid beat. Our Doctor moved the thing around, adjusted the volume, then suddenly from the center of my belly was the hearty dub dub of our baby.

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