Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Very Nice, But Quite Deceiving...

After her morning feedings, I would put Ava down in her playpen next to our bed and try to make Aaron's lunch or do light housework. As a newborn, when she would wake-up alone in our room, she'd cry and cry and cry. But now, she knows that even though I'm not right next to her, I'm still there and could get her when she needs me. She feels safe and loved. So, in the morning, after her feeding and she lulls to sleep in my arms, I put her in her playpen and make my husband his lunch. With the house quiet, I tip-toe into our room to check on her, thinking she's sleeping sweetly, only to find...

It's nice to get things done in the morning without her crying because she's alone, but, just as I'm about to sit down and have a moment to myself before our day starts, I find that the baby I thought was sleeping, is a baby wide awake!

But she's just so cute!

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