Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Super Hero

I have often called my husband, my super hero. You might wonder why. Well, one of the reasons is this: he works all day in front of a several computer monitors, and then comes home and diligently, joyfully works on my seemingly basic and easy projects. On the outside, things may look easy, at least, in my head it's easy, however, when you see all the little steps, the time spent consumed and solutions to un-thought out problems, it's way more complicated than you think. At, least I would think. Even though I was Editor-in-Chief of my H.S yearbook (which was done primarily on computer), I don't know much (ok, that may be an exaggeration, I don't know anything) about computers. So it leaves my hubby to do it all for me, and he does it with such enthusiasm!
I am slowly learning how to do some "basic" things, like adding CSS styles so that I can indent the first sentence of my paragraphs. I even figured out how to make it a block quote, which was cool, but not what I needed. So, long story short, this is the latest endeavor my super hero created for me:

Old blog:

New blog:

(He even does the dishes!)

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